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Up-to-date information for Ukrainian citizens on entry, stay and employment in Slovakia

With respect to the current situation in Ukraine, we are providing the most recent updates for Ukrainian nationals on how to proceed when arriving to Slovakia.

Entry to Slovakia

Ukrainian nationals who hold valid biometric passports benefit from visa-free travel and are allowed to enter the territory of the Slovak Republic without an entry visa and stay here for up to 90 days within 180 days.

Following an individual assessment at the border control, entry may be granted even to those without a valid travel document (biometric passport).

The State Veterinary and Food Administration of the Slovak Republic has allowed the non-commercial movement of pets to the territory of the Slovak Republic without any documentation.

Notification of stay

Ukraine nationals arriving to Slovakia must submit the original of completed and signed Notification of stay form to the respective Foreign Police according to their place of stay within 3 business days.

Obtaining temporary refuge status

A status of temporary refuge in the Slovak Republic is provided, among other reasons, for the purpose of protecting foreigners from war conflict, endemic violence, or systematic or mass violations of human rights in their country of origin.

Ukrainian nationals can apply for provision of temporary refuge in Slovakia:

  • at the border crossing on their arrival to Slovakia or
  • at the respective Foreign police department according to the place where they reside within the Slovak Republic.

The Foreign Police has opened an online registration portal, for temporary refuge applications. Completing the online form in advance speeds up the administrative procedure at the Foreign Police, as the applicant´s details will be already registered in the system.

Procedure applicable to holders of biometric passports

Holders of biometric passports will be granted the temporary refuge status immediately after submitting the application.

Procedure applicable to holders of other documents

Those Ukrainian nationals who hold older types of passports or their documents have expired, must apply for temporary refuge at the Asylum Department in Humenné. In this case, a decision on temporary refuge will be taken within approximately 30 days, while accommodation, food, health care and hygiene supplies are immediately available to them.

Provided that the Ukrainian nationals do not have secured accommodation, they must arrive to the respective detention camp within 24 hours of submitting the temporary refuge application.

Housing of foreigners with granted temporary refuge

According to the new legislation, a contribution can be granted for a foreigner´s accommodation provider if:

  • Homeowners provide accommodation to temporary refuge holders and
  • They submit an agreement on provision of their accommodation to the municipality.

Further details are not known yet and will be specified by the Slovak Government.


The Ukrainian nationals with the temporary refuge status are entitled for state emergency healthcare.

Short term remote work from Slovakia

Ukrainian nationals who are legally staying in Slovakia are allowed to work remotely from Slovakia for their Ukrainian employer. 

In general, providing that the Ukrainian citizens do not spend in Slovakia more than 183 days (in any 12-month period) and the respective remuneration is paid by their Ukrainian employer who does not have a permanent establishment in Slovakia their income from dependent activities will be exempted from tax in Slovakia. 

Different tax implications may arise in case that the Ukrainian citizens qualify as Slovak tax residents. 

Employment of foreigners with granted temporary refuge

According to the valid Employment Services Act, a third-country national with temporary refuge status can be employed in Slovakia without obtaining a work permit or confirmation of the possibility to fill a vacant job position. The employer must only fulfil the notification obligations to the relevant Labour office.

Without obtaining a temporary refuge status, Ukrainian nationals may work in Slovakia only based on temporary residency permit for the purpose of employment issued within the standard administrative process. Applying for asylum also does not authorize a foreigner to work in Slovakia until they obtain the full asylum status.

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