Overview of the 10 most important changes to the Labour Code in 2022

Act No. 311/2001 Coll., the Labour Code ("Labour Code"), as the basic labour law regulation, was amended up to six times in 2022. The adopted amendments reflect the transposition of European directives or the need to solve application problems…

Changes in the area of illegal work and illegal employment

Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic introduced a package of measures to improve the business environment (also known as "Kilecko 2"). It includes a total of 198 measures, which also implements changes in the area of illegal work and illegal…

Changes brought by the new Building act

The Construction Act and the Spatial Planning Act, which were approved almost five decades after the adoption of the original legislation, will enter into force in 2024. The aim of the new legislation is to eliminate the shortcomings of existing…

Constitutional Court: The change to the Labour Code is suspended

On 15 December 2021, the Slovak Constitutional Court suspended the effective date of the provision of the Labour Code, which introduced a new reason for termination of employment. The legislation provision enables an employer to dismiss an employee…