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Overview of selected legislation amendments in connection with the situation in Ukraine

In response to the current situation in Ukraine, the Slovak Parliament has adopted amendments selected legislation, that should facilitate the arrival and operation of refugees from Ukraine in Slovakia. We provide you with an overview of the most relevant changes in connection with employment, insurance and legal residence in Slovakia.

Employment Services Act

For the duration of the emergency situation declared in connection with the situation in Ukraine, the Slovak government may regulate the conditions of employment of third-country nationals and the validity of the work permits required for employment in Slovakia. Therefore, the government will be able to react flexibly to the situation on the labor market without the need to amend the law on employment services.

During an emergency situation in Ukraine and for a period of two months following the withdrawal of the emergency, an employer may employ a third-country national in the same job during the temporary restoration proceedings.

Foreigners Residence Act

Extension of residency permit validity

The validity of temporary, permanent or tolerated residence granted to third-country nationals, which would otherwise have expired during the emergency declared in connection with the situation in Ukraine, shall be extended until two months after the cancellation of the emergency.

Approval deadlines

During an emergency situation, the standard approval periods do not apply to decisions to grant or renew residency permits. Therefore, during an emergency situation, the Foreign Police does not have to decide on the granting or renewal of the residency permit within 90 or within 30 days, respectively.

Address change report

A third-country national who has been granted temporary refuge in the territory of the Slovak Republic reports the change of his/her residence address in the territory of the Slovak Republic to the municipality or city district in the case of accommodation in Bratislava or Košice. When reporting a change of address, a temporary refuge confirmation and a housing confirmation must be presented.

Social Security Insurance Act

In the event that a self employed person with obligatory sickness and pension insurance stays in Ukraine territory in connection with an armed conflict in Ukraine due to serving in the army of Ukraine, performing military service in Ukraine or serving a conscription in Ukraine, his/her compulsory sickness insurance is suspended during the period in which he/she is staying in Ukraine. Pension insurance contributions can also be paid additionally during this period.

Health Insurance Act

Foreigners who have been provided with temporary refuge in Slovakia and who are neither publicly insured here, nor insured in another Member State are entitled to emergency medical care. This right applies to the payment of urgent care no later than 30 days from the date of entry into the territory of the Slovak Republic.


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