New rules for traders and e-shop providers

The new consumer protection legislation is currently in Parliament after first reading, bringing a number of new rights and obligations for traders and e-shop operators including the obligation to adapt their terms and conditions in compliance with…

Legislative changes in relation to the Commercial Register

The National Council of the Slovak Republic ("NC SR") approved the Act amending the Act on the Commercial Register and the Act on the Register of Non-Governmental Non-Profit Organisations (the "Amendment").

The most important changes brought by the new judicial map

On 1 June 2023, the so-called reform of the "judicial map" will come into force, the primary objective of which, according to its authors, is to achieve faster and better-quality decision-making. The reform will lead to the abolition of several…

Private foundations: New options for managing a private assets

The new instrument for managing assets should enable to establish so-called private foundations, through which it will be possible to financially support the family and close relatives as well as other private purposes. The draft amendment is…

Conversions of companies and cooperatives

On 13 January 2023, the Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic submitted to the legislation process a draft act on the conversions of companies and cooperatives and on amendments and supplements to certain acts (hereinafter as "Draft Act").

Changes in wage allowances from June 2023

An employee working overtime is entitled to extra-pay increases for work on holidays, work performed during the weekend or night work since 1 June 2023. We have prepared an overview of the relevant wage benefits.